Saturday, June 29, 2013

Great Article about iPhone Apps for the Classroom

If you haven't already seen this link on my Pinterest (Vera Weber) or Twitter (@veraweber) network, I'm sharing it with you now  This article lists some great uses for apps in the classroom.  I love the first sentence..."You don't need a class set of netbooks or iPads to integrate technology into your daily instruction."  Which is true, digital learning can occur on many levels and we don't always need to have every student connected. 

iPhone Apps for the Classroom - Edutopia Article   Although it references "iPhone", the same apps will work for those people who have iPads in their classroom, too.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Apps as Tools

So often I hear the phrase "It's not about the apps", however, in some cases it is.  If we are to view apps as tools that help us to teach better, then its important to understand that apps have a purpose.  As a teacher beginning to use the iPad in the classroom, one of the best ways to start is to use some apps designed specifically for the purpose of the lesson.  In this post, I'm sharing a website that has an amazing amount of information about applying apps in the various subject areas.  Not only does the spreadsheet share apps for various subject areas, it also designates grade levels as well.

Link to TCEA iPad Apps Spreadsheet

While some of these iPad Apps may be familiar to you, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the organization of these apps and their purpose in the classroom.